Backward and Forward

March 07, 2024

Backward and Forward


Looking back to this past Sunday, the morning sermon was focused on preparing for suffering, particularly a suffering that comes because of being a Christian. One of the points that was made concerned the need to “arm ourselves” (1 Pet. 4:1). As JC Ryle said, “Christianity is a fight,” which means we must be trained. Specifically, parents need to make sure their children are trained, and they should not do that alone. The church plays a significant role in coming alongside moms and dads. That’s part of the reason why we want to see our children’s and youth ministries expanded. Parents, are you with us? Congregation, will you pray for this? However, the importance of family worship was also mentioned. The daily gathering of the family together for singing, praying, and reading the Word will go a long way to arming our kids with “the faith once and for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). If family worship is new to you, if you need some encouragement to try again or keep going, here is a helpful podcast on the subject. It will provide some of the ‘why’s’ and ‘how’s’ for family worship. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.

Looking forward, we will be having a mission’s emphasis Sunday this coming Lord’s Day. Rev. Chad Watkins will be preaching morning and evening. He is the pastor of Westminster PCA in Ft. Walton Beach, Fl. Prior to being a pastor, Chad was a missionary in Thailand with Campus Outreach. He will be speaking about Gospel Missions in Action and Church Planting 101. Along with Rev. Watkins, we will also have, during Sunday School, our RUF minister Chris Blackman giving an update on the work at KSU. He will be joined by Rev. James Li, who is planting a Chinese Presbyterian church in our presbytery. After morning worship, we will have a fellowship meal (Williamson Brothers BBQ, provided by the church), where we will hear about the work in Moldova and Oxford, UK, and we will have Chad Watkins answering some questions related to missions.

Part of the goal for this Sunday is for us to leave with a better understanding and commitment to missions both here and abroad. We want to grasp the call of missions (evangelism, discipleship, church planting, church strengthening) and the primary means of missions (Word, sacrament, and prayer). Two quotes from the missionary William Carey drive this home, “To know the will of God, we need an open Bible and an open map.” It is God’s purpose that we go wherever God sends us with Bible truth and Gospel facts in hand. Which should lead us to “expect great things from God [and] attempt great things for God.” We have the best news in human history—Christ crucified and resurrected for sinners. May we be bold enough to pray for God to do big things and attempt big things in Cherokee county and to the ends of the earth. May the Christ of missions capture our heart for missions.


—Pastor Clif